What does Big Bend Ranch State Park encompass?
Big Bend Ranch State Park is the largest part of the complex with headquarters for the river corridor in Lajitas, and headquarters for the interior in Sauceda. It also includes Fort Leaton Historic Site in Presidio and the Chintai Mountains State Natural Area which is not yet open to the public, totaling over 350,000 acres.
What do you do for the park?
We help support Big Bend Ranch State Park through fundraising, volunteerism, education and outreach. We organize fundraising events to raise money, help maintain trails, pick up trash, educate visitors on the wonders of this amazing park, and we’re actively involved in supporting the local community. We work closely with the park staff to make sure their needs are met and support them in whatever way they need.
We’re a volunteer led organization, with one paid part-time administrator. Our operating expenses are minimal and we pride ourselves on our stewardship of donor funds.
What fundraising events do you host?
Our primary fundraiser is our online auction hosted annually in October. Other fundraisers such as Backcountry Taproom and pop-up fundraisers at Barton Warnock Visitor Center happen as often as time and volunteer availability allow.
We also receive a portion of the proceeds from Big Bend Ultra, Half Day Hikes: Big Bend Ranch State Park by Robert Fuller, and through a special image created by Natural Tribute (coming soon!).
How can I get involved?
YOU CAN VOLUNTEER! We are looking for key volunteers to help in roles such as event organization and trash pickup. Board positions are by invitation only but if you’re interested please let us know!
The best and easiest way for you to get involved is to BECOME A FRIEND by making a donation! Though we host several event-based fundraisers a year, we are a membership driven organization. So you too can BE A FRIEND! If you’re interested in learning more about our membership levels click here (link!). Friends are a vital part of our fundraising efforts and we are able to do more for the park with each individual membership. Levels start at $50.
Why does the park need a non-profit partner?
Friends of Big Bend Ranch State Park helps the park complex by purchasing items outside what is allocated by the state. State funds cover the basic operating budget but we can help the park by providing things the state cannot.
Items such as:
Used heavy equipment
Food for interpretive events
Small tools and equipment designated for volunteer use
Search and rescue equipment
Scholarships for local high school seniors
Park maps (the one you get when you check in)
Items not yet approved by the state but in process, allowing the park access to these things earlier than would normally be allowed
These things, among others, fall outside of the scope of what the state provides for the park and allow park management the flexibility to enhance the visitor experience in ways which would be unavailable through state funds.