Originally founded as Compadres del Ranch Grande, we’re the 501(c)(3), non-profit arm of Big Bend Ranch State Park. We work closely with the park to make sure the needs of the staff are met and visitors have the best experience possible. Though we are separate entities, we consider ourselves partners with a single goal. We even share a logo!
Friends of Big Bend Ranch State Park is run by a volunteer board of directors who are passionate about Big Bend, Big Bend Ranch State Park and conservation. We meet quarterly to discuss park business. Three times a year we meet online, and one time a year we all make the journey (for some of us it’s a long journey!) to Barton Warnock Visitor Center to see each other in person. Our in-person meeting is the highlight of our year because, guess what? We’re all FRIENDS!
Friends of Big Bend Ranch State Park is run by a volunteer board of people who are passionate about Big Bend, Big Bend Ranch State Park and conservation. We meet quarterly to discuss park business. Three times a year we meet online, and one time a year we all make the journey (for some of us it’s a long journey!) to Barton Warnock Visitor Center to see each other in person. Our in-person meeting is the highlight of our year because, guess what? We’re all FRIENDS!

Lauren Cecil, Vice President, Fundraising Chair
Lauren is our fearless leader and fundraising aficinado. She’s the brains (and energy!) behind ALL our fundraising efforts. In her spare time Lauren owns Rio Bravo Ranch in Presidio and Big Bend Jeep in Terlingua. Lauren’s husband grew up on the ranch and was recently featured by Texture Presidio for his and his family’s history in the area. Read it here, here, here, and here. Lauren, Charlie and the three girls reside in San Angelo.

Joni Buck, President, Marketing Chair, Webmaster
Joni is our organizational specialist, big picture thinker and marketing expert. An ultra runner and occasional triathlete, Joni first got recruited to the board while volunteering at Big Bend Ultra. She and her family own land in Terlingua Ranch and reside in Houston but make the 11 hour drive to Big Bend almost monthly during the busy season.

Patrick McKee, Secretary
Patrick is our taskmaster. As a retired compliance officer he has slid easily into the secretary position. He makes sure we follow all the rules, stay on task, and keep proper records. Patrick is locally famous for being the board member who got recruited while changing a flat tire on the dirt road to Sauceda! Patrick is an avid supporter of the arts and when not enjoying time in his favorite desert, Patrick loves spending time sitting on is balcony in Houston sipping on a glass of wine.

Kim Keith, Treasurer
Kim is a retired teacher in Alpine, Kim now spends her time playing in her garden, traveling the world and keeping our books. She makes sure our payments are made on time, and keeps our non-profit standing in good order. It’s through her hard work that all the money you donate is accounted for.

David Long, Historian
David is a former Barton Warnock Visitor Center site superintendent and spent 21 years working for Big Bend Ranch State Park. He provides a wealth of knowledge of the history of the park and is the Friends unofficial group historian. If you want to know something about the history of the park Dave Long is the man to ask.

Kevin Urbanzyk
Kevin is a geologist at Sul Ross University in Alpine, he’s the resident Big Bend geographical expert and can tell you anything about the geology and topography of the region. An unofficial keeper of “the desk” in Alpine, Kevin also serves on the Big Bend Trails Alliance and is integral in the design and upkeep of the trail systems in both Big Bend Ranch State Park and Big Bend National Park.

Chris Childs
Chris is our resident man of mystery, a local property owner who has enjoyed the beauty of Big Bend for over 50 years. He’s a quiet man of few words but when he speaks up we all listen! He helps keep our accounting in check and is our overall finance guru. Chris is deeply embedded in Big Bend Ranch State Park but we can’t say much more. It’s classified.

Amanda Gutherie
Amanda is our grant writer extraordinare! In her professional life, Amanda does grant writing for Texas Parks and Wildlife. When she’s not volunteering or working she’s camping, running or otherwise just being a rockstar. Amanda earned the ultra running badge of honor in January when she finished the 50-miler at Big Bend Ultra!

Sean Halstead
Sean is a woodworker and lives in Waco. When he’s not working, he spends his spare time running, hiking and doing photography. In his former life, he spent time in the Army jumping out of airplanes! He’s at the park at least once a year for the Ultra but comes back as much as he can in between.

Martha Stafford, Administrator
Martha is our paid administrator but she’s just as much a part of our family as everyone else. She keeps all the records straight and when you make a donation or become a FRIEND, the thank you note you get comes from Martha. She knows absolutely everything and is our glue. Without her we would fall apart!

Rick Keith, President
Rick was a teacher and coach in Alpine for nearly 30 years. He dedicated his life to serving the greater Big Bend region both on our board but also working as a season park ranger and interpreter at Fort Davis National Historic Site. At the time of his passing in March 2023 he was our president. He was our cheerleader, our inspiration and he loved seeing us grow. We miss him dearly. He’s still president in our hearts.